Sunday, August 22, 2010

Please Pray!

Hey Everyone,
This is a email of specific ways that we can be praying for Abby Tracy and her ministry!
Please be in prayer for all of these specific issues! Thanks! 
<3 Sara  
"Please pray... The government and the community has hated the
work we were doing with street kids from the start (not us, just the
fact that we brought street children into their community) and they
gave us (especially the pastor of the church that we are under) a lot
of pressure to stop. He has been saying for the last year that there
will be a home that will open that will take all of the boys and then
we will not have more kids sleeping in the church. The police
pressured him saying they could arrest him (which legally they could
do, you are not allowed to let street children sleep in your premises
under your protection unless you are bringing them into a home). The
police have been getting more and more angry at us for allowing the
street kids to live and sleep in the church and now that the boys were
taken into the home, they are not allowing anymore kids to sleep in
the church or to be around the area unless they are in our scheduled
day programs.
There are many older boys (18 years and above) that we have not
allowed in our programs (to make it safe for the children and the
female volunteers. Many street men are just unpredictable, especially
if they were living and staying with the young boys, its not good) who
do drugs and have bad habits. As soon as the boys were taken into the
home they (the old guys) have all been coming back to sleep around the
church and to be in our programs which we haven't allowed in the past.
We have told them that the police are not going to allow them to sleep
in the church and that we cant be feeding them (like we did the young
boys) because we don't have the money for it and because we work with
children. They have gotten very angry at us and have been making
threats, throwing bottles at our container, writing things on our
walls, etc-. We reported to the police today that the children from
our programs are gone and in a home, we are not allowing more to sleep
in the church, and that we did not ask the street men to be coming to
the community and that we don't have any responsibility for them
(meaning, if they do something illegal, we are not the ones to be held
responsible which was the case for the street children). The police
said that they were glad we came and talked to them because they were
about to come to us and that if we were not going to be legally
responsible for the street men that they would take care of it that
night, (which means they will go down and beat and arrest everyone
they find there). We are going to give our street programs a break of
a month or two as we transition to purely day programs. We feel that
this is a good time since the kids that were in our programs have left
and we are having difficulties with the older street guys.
* * * * * * *
Please pray for this situation. That God will continue to keep us safe
as He has always done and that He will settle the hearts of the men
and older youth who are feeling left out on the streets. Please pray
that the police will give them grace and that they will be able to
rise above their current situation.

Also, the church has been paying the rent on our home in Kivulu but
the landlord currently doubled her price for our building and all the
other buildings the church is using (like their schools). We are going
to need to rent a place in town for a few months until we are able to
build our own house in the village on our new land. Please pray that
God will provide the perfect place for us to find and rent and for the
church to find as well.

There are still many other street children suffering all over Uganda
that never went to our programs. Please pray for them that GOd will
protect them and pour HIs love in their lives.

Lastly, we are still trying to find land that we can purchase to move
our home to. We want to have a home (several actually in time),
church, school, and income generating activities such as agriculture
and a fishpond. Please pray that we can not be cheated when we buy the
land and raise money as quickly as possible to build our new home and
other buildings."
-Abby Tracy 

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